Secrets of Roman London on Display
One of the latest visitor attractions in the City of London is also one of the best – the London Mithraeum. It provides a fascinating glimpse of what life was like during the time of the Roman occupation and shows us just how much the first centuries of London’s existence helped to shape the reputation and influence of the city as we know it today.
The Romans came in 43 AD and finally abandoned Britain in 410 AD as their Empire was under threat and declining rapidly. But the legacy of well over 300 years occupation was to see London slowly develop into a world-wide trading city and Britain become a powerful mercantile nation.
London Mithraeum sees the re-birth of the Temple of Mithras, a place of pagan worship, first discovered in 1954 and then moved to allowed for a new building to go up on the site near the Bank Station. That has now been demolished and in its place we have the Bloomberg complex and an impressive museum which is imaginatively and technically at the forefront of museum development. It is free to visit but booking a time slot has to be done on-line. Don’t miss he opportunity to go there.
To learn more about ROMAN LONDON and other fascinating features of London’s history why not makes enquiries about joining one of the LONDON FOOTSTEP walks in the Spring and Summer of 2018.