The Zoom Boom
During the Summer there was a sense of optimism creeping into our lives. Were we beginning to escape the clutches of coronavirus ? It soon proved to be a false dawn of optimism. Yet already there were efforts being made by clubs, societies and organisations to get-together again, to socialise, to have meetings and try some of the on-line options becoming available to experience again some kind of normality.
That has come in the shape of virtual conferences, lectures, business meetings and talks. The complete shutdown of activities held regularly by the U3As, Probus Clubs and History Societies has not happened as some had feared. That is because they have discovered and embraced Zoom.
In September my first Zoom meeting took place, a talk called MIND THE GAP looking at the history and construction of the London Underground as well as highlighting some of the quirks, frustrations and disasters. It was well received and no-one had a technology ‘meltdown’.
Within a week, email messages from two U3A groups quickly became firm dates. The word was spreading that Zoom was nothing to be afraid of and could be used for club members to meet on-line, have a brief social chat then sit back in the comfort of their own homes and listen to a talk.
Great. Other possibilities and ideas were taking shape. For me it was an opportunity to look at some of my talks to see if they needed revising or editing; also to add a few more subjects to broaden my portfolio. So now I have a selection of talks covering the heritage and social history of London ranging from bio-diversity to slavery, the Great Fire of 1666 to the impact of shop closures, the demise of department stores and possibly the end of the traditional High Street as we know it.
If Zoom talks with supporting PowerPoint presentations are something which your club may want to try then please get in touch with me for more details.