Pounds, Shillings and Poverty

It’s always interesting to see and hear what reaction there is likely to be for a new talk. For members of the Hornchurch Probus a lot of memories came flooding back when I went to talk to them in early May.
Many in this group of retired businessman have links going back to the East End of London. Some were born there others had family who had settled in the area as long ago as the 19th century. Some of the comments and personal reminiscences were certainly worth hearing.
The subject – wealth and poverty – can be unusual and fascinating, triumphant and desperately sad. In one sense, the Victorian age was a story of men and women who made a great contribution to a city that grew from a population of one million in 1800 to six million in 1900.
From that period came the railways, photography, the police, Charles Dickens, Annie Besant, Sir Joseph Bazelgette, electric lighting, gin palaces – and so the list goes on and on. Trying to summarise such a crowded century in 45 minutes is impossible but the audience are left in no doubt that alongside great riches and world influence, London was also a city of squalor, crime and disease.
The POUNDS, SHILLINGS AND POVERTY talk is supported with photographs of familiar sights and places around London. This is a PowerPoint presentation. Call or email us to find out more details and maybe consider a possible date for a future visit to your group or society.