Coronavirus delays future plans
This should be the time when most of my walking friends and enthusiasts are looking at the Spring programme and adding dates to their diaries and mobile phone calendars. That will have to wait as we all take note of Government advice and restrictions and hope that by July we may be exploring the streets of London again.
Nothing is certain however. I shall be mapping out a possible programme in the weeks ahead and will be offering a range of walks which will meet with your approval. There are no dates yet but some of you may give me ideas for what to include in the next programme. I want to feature LAMBETH AND THE GARDEN MUSEUM again and also plan to develop a new walk around the KENNINGTON area. ISLINGTON was popular when this was introduced a few months ago and that will be repeated.
WHITECHAPEL has not appeared in a programme for a couple of years so this is likely to be in a programme before the end of the year. So will ROTHERHITHE AND SURREY QUAYS as this year is the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrim Fathers’ epic voyage to the New World. HACKNEY is also a fascinating part of north-east London but I need to do more research before this can be added to any programme. Getting out and about on a recce visit is not going to be possible for at least three months.
Once again you could help my forward planning by suggesting which days of the week are more acceptable to join a walk; also there are some themes – possibly COFFEE HOUSES or LONDON’S ODDITIES that will be intriguing – and areas which you may want to visit and deserve to be included. If that is so then please let me know.
It is not easy making future plans in these desperately troubled times but if you have any preferences then I would like to hear from you. Meanwhile, stay safe and avoid taking any unnecessary risks. When we all get together again then we want to walk, talk and enjoy London and put this terrible experience behind us.
Thank You: David